Some schooling photos and a couple of reminders.

Stubben Saddle Fitting 11/22/11 at 10AM!.Some farm photos, a sad loss and some reminders. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics for the Young.Alrighty history buffs - sit back and enjoy!.It seems everyone out there is trying to learn more about saddle fitting, and thats very good Theyre concerned about saddle fit and therefore concerned about their horses well. Stubbens are handmade and you can generally tell by the way they are put together, particularly at the back by the gullet and cantle. The posts concerning saddle fitting are by far the most viewed. Farm photos, musings, a bit of this and that. Midgets, Ponies and Saddles, Oh My The most popular subject on this blog seems to be about saddles.My sincere gratitude goes out to Stubben, Catherine Haddad Staller and my mother Anne Rawle for all their hard work in improving my riding! Hopefully things will continue in a positive direction and in early 2012 we will venture southward and knock out some big scores in the FEI levels! Oh and mom gets an extra boost of thanks - she has bred my super fantabulous horses that are shining as bright stars for the future! I am happy to give feedback on what the Genesis Special D has done for my own riding, the horses and their training progress. Keith is being quite generous - as we are all going to be in one location, he is reducing the standard $125 fitting fee to $75 - and this can be applied to the saddle price if you order within 7 days! He is working on assembling a wide selection of saddles for all heights, sizes and disciplines! If there is a particular model you are interested in trying, please email me - and I will be sure to let him know exactly what you are interested in having a sit in! I was lucky the last time he was here and had a brief ride in the Zaria (and while jumping isn't in my future.ooooooh, it was fantastic!) and another saddle that I'm having a Rick Perry moment - can't remember the name!